
The more Hotel guests join the merrier!

One of the most exciting and fun things to do in the Bit Hotel is to meet new people. And what better place to do this than somewhere at a cool event with many others present! This is where events come in, so let's take a look at this in more detail.

Different types of Events

Inside of the hotel not only official events set up by the moderators will be hosted, but the majority of events will be player-hosted events. These gatherings come in all different forms, shapes and sizes: from competitive tournaments set in a player's room, to more curated mini-game matches in the public spaces to auctions, conferences and more!

When joining specific official events players can earn and win in-game currency (2x) and badges for participating. To make sure that player hosted events get the attention they deserve, these events will be highlighted in the room directory of the hotel. This ensures enough players see the awesome things you're organizing and make sure that you are well compensated for your time (if you set an entrance fee).

Now it's your turn! Be creative and set up a small group of friends to organize your event with and with a bit of luck, you'll be featured!

For questions you can find us on our Discord as well as Telegram!

Last updated